Very, Very, Very, Early Christmas

… um, I mean… early holiday, to be politically correct.

But the signs that Christmas is closer than you think could be right in you neck of the woods. In East Hartford, alone, the town center’s pilot lights are already getting decked out in Christmas provincial. Supermarkets and several CVS, RiteAid, and Walgreens stocking up on Christmas foods, such as egg nog, gingerbread, and *shudders* fruitcake have had to sell out the Halloween candy IMMEDIATELY.

And let’s not forget about the first snow first seen in the Litchfield Hills, because when I think snow, I think Christmas. Like I said earlier, Lewis Black is plumb furious that Christmas is getting longer and longer.

When I was a kid, Halloween was Halloween, and Santa wasn’t poking his ass into it! And Thanksgiving was it’s own holiday.

But we can’t call it Thanksgiving no more. It is now “Christmas Halftime,” as Lew would put it. I bet the malls across the country are going to be a bunch of madhouses come the wee hours of November 26 a.k.a. BLAAAAACKKKK FRIIII-DAAAAAAAY!!!!! *maniacal laughter* I personally would steer clear of the malls on that day after Thanksgiving due to the fear of being trampled to death by a horde of frantic early-bird shoppers. I mean who gets up at 3:00 a.m.?

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