Monthly Archives: November 2015

It’s Just a Cup

The dreaded red cup. Yes, that cup.

Starbucks Cup for Holiday 2015.

Starbucks Cup for Holiday 2015.

It has sparked controversy for the wrong reasons. In fact, it has blown up my social feed for the past 48 hours. Reason? Starbucks has decided to drop the “Merry Christmas” tagline from all of their red cups.

Their goal is to attract — rather than alienate — their fan base, particularly during the Holidays. I said Holidays — Christmas ain’t the only holiday people celebrate in December. Don’t forget the fact there’s also Hanukkah, Festivus, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day and Eid just to name a few.  As a Christian, it pains me to say that the people crying War on Christmas have gone too far.

Here’s the deal…. it’s just a dang cup, Jack. Stop getting so worked up about it. Or kvetching, as a few Jewish friends would call it. We get it. You want to put the “Christ” back into “Christmas.” But you’re not going to get there by complaining about a red cup. I bet the red cup had no more to do with Christmas than chestnuts roasting on an open fire. (Just saying)

Solution: suck it up and embrace the difference among society as a whole. Maybe then, and only then, people will take Christmas as seriously as you do. Love. One. Another. Now is that so hard?