Monthly Archives: September 2009

Fired Up on Cigarette Tax

A $3.00 tax per pack on cigarettes?!

A $3.00 tax per pack on cigarettes?!

Here’s a reason not to move to Connecticut if you’re a smoker. Starting in less than 3 hours (yes, effective October 1, 2009), the cigarette tax will increase by one dollar from $2.00 to $3.00 per pack.  That being said, a carton of cigarettes will cost smokers $10.00 more.  This will give Connecticut the second highest cigarette tax in the nation.

Rhode Island, the smallest state in the union, takes the cake on extreme high cigarette taxes. The tax on each pack of cigarettes is $3.46. Seriously. Considering how hard it is to stop smoking, even those who DON’T smoke consider this tax unfair.

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze

R.I.P. Swayze

R.I.P. Swayze

I, for one, am shocked and saddened to learn about the death of Patrick Swayze. Some of y’all might have known him from “Dirty Dancing” and “Roadhouse,”  as well as the lead character Danny Zuko in “Grease.” He lost his battle with pancreatic cancer last night at the tender age of 57. Connecticut was still feeling inconsolable over the loss of Annie Le, the graduate student from Yale who was supposed to be married on Sunday.

May the “dancer” rest in peace.

Obama urges kids to “stay in school”

President Barack ObamaPresident’s Barack Obama’s speech to school children across the nation today caused a stir of controversy among schools and parents alike. Although America’s schools were not required to show the President’s back-to-school speech to students, some schools forwent showing the speech altogether. The President urged students to pay attention in class and listen to their teachers.

“The truth is, being successful is hard,” the President said, “You won’t love every subject you study. You won’t click with every teacher. Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right this minute. And you won’t necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.” He also told students that by giving up on themselves they not only let their country down, but they also let themselves down.

The kids have a lot of homework to do starting now.

Ode to September

Ahhh…..September. Yep, it’s that time of year again. No, not the holidays, I’m talking about back to school. Summer may be over, but winter can wait. Unfortunately, all the talk about the H1N1 virus and a possible vaccination is now a reality. But for know, it’s all about hygiene, hygiene, hygiene.

Below is an OLD commercial from Nabisco’s Chips Ahoy! How slow was the news day that they had to report a more chocolaty taste of Chips Ahoy! cookies? I mean, seriously…